60 degrees of separation
CONTACT Je Buro - Emma Ketels
Photo: Justine Demolder
Camille Paycha - born in Paris (FR) in 1992 - based in Oostende (BE).
Camille Paycha is part of the artistic council of Academy for Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg. She directs, there, regularly collective performances and give a class of embodied artistic research. She graduated from that same school in 2015 with the aerial straps as specialisation. Camille is also doing artistic support for the students of CNAC in France sinds 2023. Camille was involved as co-researcher with The Circus Dialogues (continued). She writes articles on circus and performs for other companies such as Side-Show. She is dramaturge for the company Panama Pictures. Camille has thus an all-round profile in the field and uses all that broad experience in the making of her work.
Camille is in 2024 in creation of her latest piece 60 degrees of separation which premières on the 4th October 2024. Camille works with Je Buro for the distribution of her work (
Boegbeeld is an organization producing the work of the two circus artists Camille Paycha and Ruben Mardulier. Camille and Ruben make different kind of work and both have their own specific signature. Nevertheless, they gather around the same mindset of challenging the norms, sometimes through humor with the right amount of naivety, other times through poetry or radicality but always with care at the core of their practice and a concern for accessibility. The organization Boegbeeld reaches through the variety of works, specific audiences both local and international, in different contexts such as festivals, theaters, museums, the streets or the internet.