The Hangman Radioshow takes the audience on a journey of light, circus, sound and radio waves.

Noortje Sanders, Camille Paycha and Thijs Veerman are The Hangman Radioshow.
The collective is investigating new ways of storytelling and narrative delivery in which it aims to make experiences rather than stories.
All three are all operating within the grayscale of their disciplines.
Noortje is a visual artist, but flirts with theater. Camille is in continuous discussion with her own circus discipline. Thijs is a designer, scenographer or inventor, depending on the day of the week.
The three sometimes don't feel at home in their respective disciplines. As curious about the end result as the audience they take along on their experiments, they rather mix it all together.
A lonely radiostation, a megalomaniac tripod and a pile of tiny custom synthesizers. Over the course of the performance a strange world unfolds that in nothing looks like the real world. Where do these two worlds meet? The Hangman Radioshow takes the audience, each with their own radio, on a journey to bygone times and forgotten futures. The audience follows the fantasies of a young radio maker. We arrive in a different universe where light makes sound, circus becomes a satellite and everything is live.
Spel, concept en regie: Camille Paycha, Noortje Sanders en Thijs Veerman
Synthesizer design: Unit Unlikely
Thanks to: Circollaborative Tools, La Central del Circ, Cirqueon
The Hangman Radioshow is a co-production of Oerol festival
Language: Dutch or English
Capacity: maximum 50 person audience per performance
Performance duration: +/- 40 minutes (varies depending on location)
- from 2nd until 9th August 2019: Theater Aan Zee, Oostende (BE)
- 15th February 2019: showing Circus Centrum, Gent (BE)
- 14th December 2018: Theatre de Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg (NL)
More info here
- 13th December 2018: De Zwermers, Tilburg (NL)
- 8th September 2018: festival De Oversteek, Nijmegen (NL)
- 2nd September 2018: Kitsch festival, Venray (NL)
- From 15th until 24th June: Residency Oerol Festival.